Tag Archives: reading Wednesday

#12 WWW Wednesday -5/20/20

It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words.

WWW Wednesday invites you to ask just three simple questions:

  1. What are you reading?
  2. What did you just finish reading?
  3. What will you be reading next?

What are you reading?


I am finally picking up Prodigy after reading Legend back in December. I am taking advantage of the free time and picking this one up. So far it’s been pretty good, but the beginning has been a bit slow.

What did you just finish reading? 


So I took a Shakespeare class this semester and I have been wanting to read more of the bard’s works. I decided, on a whim, to pick up A Midsummer’s Night Dream. When I read Henry IV, Part I for class, I honestly can say that I could not remember a single thing that happened in that play even after finishing a scene, let alone an act. For me, when reading A Midsummer’s Night Dream, I had the exact same experience.

What will you read next? 

So I ordered Champion today, and I do not think that it will be here by the time that I finish Prodigy. In continuing with my trend of finishing series, if by the time I finish Prodigy, Champion has not arrived, I’ll most likely be picking up Evermore to finish the Everless duology.

There you have it, another WWW Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed it! What are you reading? What have you just finished and what are you planning on reading next? Let me know down in the comments below!

As always, happy reading! 🙂